At Cartech Australia, we provide comprehensive repairs and services to get your car’s air conditioning running smoothly. Are you an Albury local? Save yourself some trouble by booking our mobile service. We’ll drive out to you and assess your vehicle’s air conditioning.
Our services include:
And much more!
Our experienced mechanics have the latest tools to service a range of vehicles. Whether you have a truck, tractor or
4WD, we can help you out. Speak with our team to find out more.
Is there a funky smell coming from your vehicle’s air vents? Does your air conditioning rattle when you turn the car on? There are plenty of signs that you can look for to tell when your vehicle needs an air conditioning service.
These symptoms include:
And more.
A broken air conditioning system can be uncomfortable for you and your passengers, especially on hot days. It can also add to respiratory problems if there is a mould build-up in the system. Don’t wait till it gets bad – contact us to
arrange a service today.
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ARC Tick: AU39020
ABN 42269123405
MVRL 53590